Tutello is designed for both students seeking personalised academic support and tutors or academics looking to engage in a dynamic online teaching environment that embraces ai.
Students benefit from tailored learning experiences aligned with their course content, while tutors leverage their expertise to complement ai-driven content and create meaningful connections with students, fostering collaborative learning experiences for academic success.
You control the knowledge source.
Manage and enroll tutors and students.
Utilise the ‘credit system’ to ensure students optimise Tutello.
Gain access to both comprehensive and summary analytics via our GDPR compliant engine.
Tutello’s analytics dashboard provides your institution with insights into how your students are learning.
You can identify gaps in both your student’s understanding and your content base to enhance both the teaching and learning processes.
Tutello liaises with the most appropriate LLMs from a curated list which creates a custom chat ai. This ai uses your context by integrating course materials, providing reference links back to them when students ask questions.
This ai connects and coordinates your human support network to manage system flows, enable tutor-student matching and optimise availability of support.